It Was A Good Year
Trent Brandenburg has completed his harvest. His 2022 corn and soybean crops are “in the bin”. Asked how he would rate the crop year, Trent thought a bit and said, “It was a good year.” Trent has concerns during the long drought in May and early June, but the rains came in time to give him a crop to sell. The harvest weather was better than usual. Fall rains are filling in the subsoil dryness that has persisted so long in east central Illinois. The quality soils in his fields and improved genetics in his seed purchases have helped him overcome the challenge of a dry May and June.
Trent plans no major changes for next year. The price increases for diesel fuel and seed and crop protection inputs have squeezed his bottom line, he admits, but the recent strong grain markets have ameliorated the squeeze. The Brandenburgs wish you all a Merry Christmas!!
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